Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Shirt for KSC

我要戒酒!!! 哈哈。。非常适合你。

Monday, November 24, 2008

Couple T shirt - Merry Chritmas

Chritmas Special... Here You are. I can help u create a Full suprising, excited and interesting chritmas Shirt. Call me and make ur own order now.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sandy ~

A shirt for Sandy, a pretty gal. This character is suitable for her, big eye & small mouth. Miss her A lot, my dear friend.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

红色小破车- A Shirt for Wei

红色小破车,背后的故事。朋友他告诉我,他哥在欧洲买了一辆红色的小车-- 所以他要求我画一件有这个图案衣服给他 。
呵呵 ~ 他应该会喜欢。

Thursday, October 2, 2008

New product

A new shirt from E.C to his family’s member, hope they will surprised and like it when received from their dear son and brother.
Happy Birthday to aunty --- celebrating half a century !!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

September Product (3)

Hehe, another shirt from My primary school classmate, Wei Shin.
** Hey friend, don't smoking anymore. hehe ^^

September Product (2)

Joe have asking me design a shirt for himself. After one and half hour, I have accomplished it and this is the product.

September 's Product

Shirt from Hirosue to His Best Fren, June. A simple design but look attractive, hehe... : D
Pictutre showing the front and back of shirt.
** hehe, picture taken by me, not bad ya.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Couple shirt

Couple shirt - 猪猪 for 佳佳 .

Friday, July 4, 2008

Nine pieces of T shirt for Jane's Farewell Party.

Fen, Jane, Zec , Ze, PeiSan, Orange, Pinky, Wendy and Pinky, each shirt below represents the different character. A farewell and best wishes from them for their Queen – Jane, character that wearing the Crown.

Best wishes from me to Jane too.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


谁说只有情侣才可以穿couple shirt, 朋友也可以啊。哈哈。

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

An interesting couple shirt

Look!! Is 扣扣娃娃. 花了不少心思,扣扣娃娃情侣T- Shirt 终于完成了。
果然,效果还算不错。哈啊。。希望Ping & Vern会好好珍惜它,也珍惜对方。~嘻嘻。


Sunday, June 15, 2008

20% discount for all the 扣扣娃娃。。。

扣娃娃登场了。超可爱,可当key chain,别针,衣服配件。。任你随意搭配,更点缀你一生的打扮。 那么赶快向我们的主人联络吧。Email add -

The price for each doll is listed beside it. The prices vary depending on the size and the material.
Click on the image to enlarge it.

*not included delivery fee except for total amount above RM50.00.